School development plan
Our Senior Leadership Team and Governors have identified five key steps for the development of our school:
To ensure our school vision, rooted in Christian Theology, enables all members of the school community to flourish in a culture where everyone is treated well
To implement opportunities to practise and develop metacognition and independence in Maths lessons, so that our outcomes are above the national averages
To ensure our wider curriculum is ambitious and personalised to our school vision; there is a coherent, clear progression of knowledge and skills across every subject
To improve and develop teachers' subject knowledge of SEND and inclusive provision
To ensure consistency and accuracy of assessment judgements across school so that pupils' outcomes are above national averages
These objectives have been determined by analysis of whole school data and taking into consideration our most recent Ofsted inspection. If you would like to know more details please contact the school office on office.3254@trinity.oxon.sch.uk.