Attending school and being on time
Why is it important?
For children to gain the greatest benefit from their education, it is vital that they attend school regularly. Your child should be at school, on time, every day the school is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. Championing the importance of attendance for each and every pupil is integral to our school ethos and culture, as it affects not only your child's attainment, but also their wellbeing and their wider development.
Any absence affects the pattern of a child’s schooling and regular absence from school will seriously affect their learning. Absence also disrupts teaching routines, so may affect the learning of others in the same class. It is no coincidence that pupils with the highest attainment at the end of KS2 are those who have the higher rates of attendance.
Exceptional and unavoidable absences
There may be exceptional, unavoidable circumstances where you can request to take your child out of school. The Headteacher will consider each application and may let you take your child out of school. Holidays are not considered to be exceptional circumstances.
Penalty fines and Court action
From August 2024 the Department for Education has issued new statutory guidance for attendance. Schools are now legally obliged to provide support and intervention for pupils who are at risk of persistent absence (90% or below). Penalty notices will also take affect; £80 per parent, per child (if paid within 21 days) for unauthorised term-time leave of 10 consecutive sessions or more (5 days or more). For a third offence in a three year period, you could be liable for prosecution (Section 444 Education Act 1996).
Informing school of absence
If your child is unable to come to school because they are unwell, please email your child's teacher and the school office before 9:00am to avoid it being recorded as an unauthorised absence. Please include the full name of your child, their class and the reason for absence.
Running late
The school gates close at 8:50am. If your child arrives after this time, they need to come into school via the office and sign in, explaining the reason for being late.
In exceptional circumstances, if you are running late at the end of the day and are not going to make it in time for pick up, please call the school office on 01491 575 887. Please only do this in emergencies and not as a matter of course.
We are here to help
If there are barriers to your child attending school regularly, we are here to help you. Please contact our SEND Co-ordinator Miss Hart on chart@trinityprimaryschool.org.
Further details
For more details please refer to our Attendance Policy below: