Spirituality at Trinity CE Primary School
Children’s spiritual development is of paramount importance at Trinity. From EYFS through to Year 6 the children are supported to develop a clear sense of themselves, others and beyond. We give all children the opportunity to articulate and explore their spiritual development to enable them to flourish in this area. Spirituality closely links with our school motto of 'Who is my neighbour?' At Trinity we pride ourselves in nurturing the spirituality of everyone in the school community.
At Trinity we define spirituality as:
Finding peace and kindness inside ourselves and with othersthrough asking questions, making connections and nurturing reflections - noticing and exploring the wider world through awe and wonder.
The opening phrase is the part that the children know and are able to articulate as our understanding of Spirituality at Trinity. The remainder of the definition explains how we make spirituality come alive.
If you are interested in learning more about what we understand spirituality to be then please click on the document below: