Performance and results (SATs)
Trinity CE Primary School SATs
Most pupils in Year 6 will take National Curriculum tests, commonly referred to as SATs. These tests, at the end of Key Stage 2 (KS2), will include English grammar, punctuation and spelling, along with reading and maths. They are designed to measure a school's performance and to ensure pupils are supported ahead of moving to secondary school. Our teachers will make sure pupils are prepared for these tests.
Since summer 2016, more challenging SATs tests have reflected the new curriculum at the end of the Key Stages. Children now receive a scaled score instead of a level. Their raw score – the actual number of marks they accrue – will be translated into a scaled score; this helps to allow for differences in the difficulty of the tests from year to year, so that pupils' results can be compared accurately.
In KS2, the papers are marked externally, with no teacher assessment involved. Each child receives a raw score (though you probably won't be given it as a parent), a scaled score and confirmation of whether or not they achieved the national standard.
The range of scaled scores available for each KS2 test ranges from 80 (the lowest possible scaled score) to 120 (the highest possible scaled score).
A scaled score of 100 or more means that the child has met the expected standard in each KS2 SATs test; a scaled score of 99 or less means they haven't reached the government-expected standard.
School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently.
Financial benchmarking
Financial benchmarking allows parents and carers to compare a school's income and expenditure with similar establishments in England. If you are interested in knowing about our financial benchmarking, then please visit:
Financial benchmarking website
Performance measures
If you are interested in knowing about our performance measures please visit:
Compare the performance of schools and colleges in England
If you wish to compare Trinity's performance to other local primary schools then click here for the Gov.uk school performance tables